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How To Drink More Water

 After a little study, it is clear that no one knows really from where the saying you need to drink 8 glasses of water per day originated. Some people tracked it back to a study in the 1980s, and others claimed that doctors who began to tell the person were the numbers because it was a good goal, but did not have scientific research to support it.

Either way, the point is clear, water is indeed a miracle of your body, and your brain. Famous water to clean your body from harmful chemicals through your intestines and also throughout your urine channel. Without proper water intake, our bodies broke down very quickly, in a matter of days. However, without food, some people can live for one or two weeks. It only shows how important water is for our bodies.

Here are 3 quick tips for taking more water.

1. Always have available water.

I like to buy a 12 ounce water bottle and store it in the refrigerator. Every time I go to the gym, I take a bottle. On the way out the door to work, I took a bottle. Before the trip that will be 30 minutes or more, I take a bottle. When I watched a movie, I took a bottle.

Every time I sit watching TV or movie, I will keep the bottle in my hand with the lid. I took a lot of small holders until the bottle disappeared. A good way to make sure you drink more water is to make sure it is easily accessible.

2. Stay cold.

I don't know many people who like to drink room temperature water, I'm sure not. If you keep the water cold, you will drink more. I always make sure there is ice in my freezer, this makes it very easy to have a glass of cold water at any time.

3. Choose water in a restaurant.

Every time I go to eat, I always drink water with lemon. Lemon adds a little courage to the taste and the water is always good, cold and refreshing. After a short time, you will stop wanting your old drink drink and will begin to appreciate the taste, or the lack of taste, which is provided by water.

Give your water and your body will be grateful!

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